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First package in Fedora Development
Ismael Olea, 01 oct 2008
By chance I've have found a web alert about my first package ever included into Fedora Development. After a lot of years in this world, and a lot experience packaging software and making distros, it's an small but very nice satisfaction, specially since I've been a Redhat/Fedora/Centos user for more than 12 years (thanks to José Antonio Martínez for helping me in those my first steps!). Now, xhtml2fo-style-xsl is ready and hopefully my silly old patch for xmlto could be acepted too!
Now I plan to maintain a low intensity but constant activity in Fedora. I've have some more packages ready for feeding the Fedora's builder software. Since I'm not a programmer, it'll help me to maintain in touch with some of the real world gory details.
Lots of thanks to my mentor Mamoru Tasaka, for his advice, patience and trust.