El careto del señor Olea. Diario de Ismael Olea

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Kompozer is alive! Share/Bookmark

Ismael Olea, 07 May. 2009

Kompozer HTML editor is one of my most used applications. Not really for editing web pages but as my default document editor. What's better than an standardized document format (XHTML) with WYSIWYG features (CSS) and fully web compatible? Nothing, in my honest opinion. That's why I've developed throught all this years my own default CSS style focused on almost 100% pure HTML document structure.

As you maybe know Kompozer is the un-official update of Nvu which is sadly stopped. For some time its development seemed stopped too. But a few days ago I discovered it is again ongoing. I have done some test and figured out a configuration for building in Fedora without apparent problems.

So my next natural step is to try to build into RPM. This is done now. You can directly download the binary package and the sources or you can install through my RPM repository. Warning: this is alpha software and alpha packaging. Expect updates and contribute bugs and suggestions.

Hopefuly, when finished, I'll postulate this for being held in the main Fedora distro.

Thanks to all the people responsable of the Kompozer/Nvu development!

PD: I've updated the packaging, now the links point to release 2. Enjoy!