«Producir y nutrir,
producir y no poseer,
obrar y no retener,
acrecentar y no regir,
son el misterio de la vida.»
Modelling protected areas talks
Just keeping up to date with a talk I gave twice past year. I’m very proud of the work but never shared here neither in my Wikidata User:Olea page.
As a brief introduction, for some time I did a significant work importing to Wikidata the CDDA database of European protected areas as I found we have them completely infra represented. I have previous experience with historical heritage but this showed to be a harder work. I have collected some thoughts about lessons learned and a potential standarizing proposal for natural protected areas but never structured in a comprensive way until being invited to give a couple talks about this.
The first talk was in Lisboa, invited and sponsored by our friends of Wikimedia Portugal, in their Wikidata Days 2023. To be honest, my talk was a little disaster because I didn’t prepared the talk with time enough, but at least I could present a complete draft of the idea.
Then I have the opportunity to talk again about the same issue in the next Data Modelling Days 2023 virtual event.
My participation was sharing the session with VIGNERON, he talk about historical heritage and I did about natural heritage/natural protected area. For this session I was able to rewrite my proposal with the quality a communication requires. Now you have available the video recording of the full session:
And my slides, that would be the final text of my intended proposal:
As a conclusion: yes, I should promote this in Wikidata, but the amount of work it requires (editions and discussions) is, for the moment, outside my interest for my freetime.
Misadventures modelling Andalusian heritage
Related with the previous post, I have pending too to publish my notes about my experience importing, sorting and cleaning the descriptions of the rich Andalusian historical heritage. Our friends of Wikimedia Portugal invited and sponsored my travel to Lisboa to share my, sometimes sad, practical experience in their excellent Wikidata Days 2023 meeting.
I used this invitation as a motivation to finally compile all the experience I learned when importing the Digital Guide to the Cultural Heritage of Andalusia into Wikidata.
The presentation format is really suboptimal. To be honest I’m a bit tired of working a lot in slides with very short live (many times just one ocassion). But I still think the contents are useful enough.
Installing Linux with USB stick in a HP Z400
Just for the record:
For our SMALL GLAM SLAM project we have received a donated HP Z400 Workstation. It’s has a Xeon CPU and can host 24Gb of ECC RAM, which seems appropiate for the project needs. But I found an annoying trouble installing Linux with a USB stick. It took me more than hour to search in the Internet for a solution. Now I just write here for the record and hoping the next one in this case could save precious time.
The tip is pretty simple: the Z400 HP BIOS doesn’t like booting Linux in USB sticks and the solution is upgrade the machine firmware with a «Linux BIOS» from HP o_O
The procedure:
- go to the Z400 downloads page;
- choose «operating system» Linux and «version» Linux;
- at the BIOS section you’ll find the file to download to disk;
- now prepare a USB stick formated as VFAT and copy the firmware file inside;
- plug the stick in the Z400 machine, boot and open BIOS (press F10 key);
- In the BIOS application choose [File]->[Flash System ROM]
- then you’ll can select the firmware file from the USB memory and confirm the update process,
- reboot and that’s all.
After that I could boot my Fedora USB stick and install without any other trouble.
Hope you’ll find useful.