«Producir y nutrir,
producir y no poseer,
obrar y no retener,
acrecentar y no regir,
son el misterio de la vida.»
Last activity in Wikimedia
Just a little update about my activity around the Wikimedia Movement.
As said in this blog, I have been invited to guide a workshop on Wikibase at the Murcia University.
Also, I’ve sent two poster proposals for Wikimania 2024:
Towards a Very Small GLAM entities solution: This proposal proposes an activity line for empowering very small GLAM entities with limited resources to preserve and document cultural heritage effectively. It comprises:
- the development an open-source GLAM suite and
- recommendations on affordable, reliable hardware.
The suite includes:
- software such as unRAID OS with ZFS for data preservation and
- Wikibase and packaged software services.
- Also a preload of metadata for museology (ontologies and vocabularies) and a technical information collection in the form of linked open data and documents.
The proposal outlines the project’s timeline, funding sources, and physical and online community involvement.
Wikimedia LEADS a Learning Ecosystem and Ameliorating Data Space: To create a free ecosystem and data-space for learning in the Wikimedia Movement. Ecosystem will extends the Movement with new classes of knowledge and addressing sustainability needs. With:
- libraries of:
- practices, modeled in Wikibase as Linked Open Data (LOD);
- credentials, also modeled as LOD, based in ELM;
- software extensions and services required for a working implementation in the Movement.
First will address the GLAM Wiki domain, producing incremental results ready to be adopted. This domain strongly intersects with the Wikimedia Movement. Furthermore, the methodologies, tools and many of the specific contents will be applicable to any other knowledge areas.
We have coined the term Very Small GLAM to refer the community of very small GLAM institutions: private, public, formal or informal, etc. It has not a rigorous definition, but you can think in teams of less than 10 members and reduced budget. So we’ll drop the bombastic term of «Small GLAM SLAM».
About Wikimedia LEADS, this is a new line of work also based in Wikibase to develop a Wikimedia ecosystem of models for Essence practices and microcredentials. It has been proposed for an European Union grant so it has no funding yet. This initiative interesects with Very Small GLAM as both focuses first in contents for the GLAM Wiki domain, as project driver.
Taller de introducción a Wikibase en la Universidad de Murcia
Tomás Saorín y Juan Pastor, de la Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación de la Universidad de Murcia, han tenido a bien invitarme a impartir un taller demostrativo de Wikibase para el Grado en gestión de información y contenidos digitales.
Aprovecharé para enseñar alguna de las últimas cosas en las que trabajo en el proyecto SMALL GLAM SLAM Pilot 1 con el que estamos preparando la infraestructura digital del futuro centro de documentación digital de LaOficina.
El taller tendrá lugar el 18 de abril por la tarde en la biblioteca María Moliner y la entrada es libre.
Nos vemos en Murcia.
Ficha de Wikiturismo como solución en la web DTI
Casi justo un año después de presentar por aquí Wikiturismo, la oferta wikimedista para los destinos turísticos inteligentes que hemos creado en LaOficina, SEGITTUR ha aceptado publicar la ficha de solución de Wikiturismo para los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes.
Sólo recordar de nuevo Cicerone.guide, nuestra prueba de concepto de aplicación móvil para el turista basada en el ecosistema Wikimedia.